📣 UPM has a lot to accomplish in 2024, says Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly

📚 Premier promises high-quality healthcare, world-class education, and job opportunities, despite criticisms

📣 UPM has a lot to accomplish in 2024, says Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly

Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly of the United People’s Movement (UPM) has delivered a New Year’s message to the country, stating that the government "cannot and will not slow our pace, as much yet remains to be done". She pledged to provide affordable, high-quality healthcare, a world-class education system, and ample job opportunities, while also ensuring a sustainable path to hope and prosperity. The Premier also promised to continue programs to assist the most vulnerable Caymanians. 🏥

Despite facing criticisms about the size of the spending plan, which is almost $3 billion for the next two years, O’Connor-Connolly remains confident in the government's commitment to addressing the issues that matter most to the people. The Premier, who has been the education minister since May 2017, revealed plans to strengthen the education system at all levels, investing in the nation's future workforce. She also emphasized the government's focus on community safety and security, and support for the operation of the first residential, long-term mental health facility. 🎓

Addressing the challenges posed by the global economy and the rise in the cost of living, the Premier assured the continuation of programs to assist the most vulnerable Caymanians. She also mentioned the UPM Government's commitment to implementing other projects associated with the 2024-2026 Strategic Policy Statement, outlining their vision for a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable Cayman Islands. 💼