🌴 Uncontrolled population growth sparks concern in Cayman Islands

πŸ—οΈ Public consultation meetings on new development plan met with skepticism

🌴 Uncontrolled population growth sparks concern in Cayman Islands

The unchecked population growth in the Cayman Islands, which is leading to rampant over-development, has become a major point of concern among residents. This issue was highlighted during the first of the planning ministry’s meetings on its draft Planning Statement. The meeting was met with skepticism, especially in West Bay, a district that has seen significant changes due to development in recent years. The public consultation meetings provide an opportunity for residents to voice their concerns about development to planning officials. However, the draft plan was criticized for its lack of strategic direction and clarity on priorities.🏒

Residents expressed deep concern that the uncontrolled population increase and alleged corruption have led to the destruction of West Bay and the wider Cayman Islands. Haroon Pandohie, the director of the planning department, stated that the consultation aimed to move beyond broad discussions. However, the vague nature of the draft document left many questions unanswered. Pandohie later clarified that the department is currently seeking input on the statement, and that more detailed area plans will be subject to another consultation process.πŸ‘₯

Several attendees also voiced concerns about the 30 July deadline for feedback on the consultation, stating that it did not provide sufficient time for people to fully understand and respond to the statement. The size of the population and its impact on the island was a recurring topic throughout the meeting, with concerns raised about the lack of measures to control the population. The current estimate is that there are around 90,000 residents in the Cayman Islands. The meetings will continue throughout June and July.πŸ“