āš–ļø Trial of McKeeva Bush delayed due to legal discussions

šŸ—‚ļø Defence and prosecution lawyers engage in undisclosed legal arguments, delaying complainants' court appearance

āš–ļø Trial of McKeeva Bush delayed due to legal discussions

The trial of McKeeva Bush MP was stalled on Wednesday due to legal discussions between the crown and defence lawyers. The arguments, the details of which cannot yet be disclosed for legal reasons, delayed the appearance of the complainants in court until Thursday. The day's proceedings involved a brief cross-examination of the detective who presented the CCTV footage to the court, which allegedly captured the indecent assault incident. šŸŽ„

The incident in question occurred during a cocktail party at the Ritz hotel in September 2022, where Bush is alleged to have indecently assaulted two civil servants. Bush's lawyer, Sallie Bennett-Jenkins KC, presented a different interpretation of the silent CCTV footage, suggesting that Bush hugged the first complainant because another person was taking a photograph of them. She also challenged the detective over the point where the footage was cut off and any suggestion that the first complainant's husband was near her and Bush when the alleged assault happened. šŸØ

Following the adjournment due to legal issues, the judge asked the jury to return on Thursday at 10:00 am. Video footage of the complainants' police interviews, recorded immediately after the incident, will be played to the court, and then the first complainant is expected to give evidence. ā³