πŸ›οΈ Trial against McKeeva Bush collapses due to serious procedural abuse

πŸ‘©β€βš–οΈ Key witness was called against her will, and crucial information was withheld from the defense

πŸ›οΈ Trial against McKeeva Bush collapses due to serious procedural abuse

The recent trial of McKeeva Bush, a 69-year-old West Bay MP and member of the UPM government, collapsed due to serious procedural abuses by the crown. Bush was accused of indecently assaulting two female civil servants at an official social event during the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s conference held on Grand Cayman in September 2022. However, one of the alleged complainants, who was bitten on the hand by Bush, did not wish to file a complaint or participate in a prosecution, claiming the act was unintentional. Despite this, the crown proceeded with the case, withholding this information from Bush and his legal team. πŸ“š

Throughout the trial, it was revealed that the witness was not aware that her evidence was being used to pursue Bush. She was surprised when informed by the police that he had been charged in relation to biting her. The witness had consistently stated that she did not see what Bush had done as a crime, and she had never given her consent to use what she had said to charge Bush with a crime against her. The crown had "ridden roughshod over the wishes" of the witness, according to Sallie Bennett-Jenkins KC, who led Bush’s legal team. 🚨

Moreover, the defense team had been seeking disclosure regarding the correspondence between the women, officials, police, and prosecutors. However, "evidence vital to the defense was not released until the week of trial". Bennett-Jenkins argued that the crown had abused the process and withheld material from the defense that was relevant to support Bush’s position. The judge stayed the proceedings last Thursday and discharged both the jury and Bush due to the prosecutor's behaviour in this case. The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions has yet to comment on the findings against the office or if the judge’s decision to throw out the case will be appealed. βš–οΈ