πŸŽ„ Temporary increase in duty free allowance approved for holiday season

πŸ›οΈ Residents can bring back CI$1,000 worth of goods duty-free through the airport

πŸŽ„ Temporary increase in duty free allowance approved for holiday season

The Cabinet has given the green light for a temporary increase in the duty free allowance for all residents during the holiday season. Starting from 1st December until 5th January, residents returning from overseas trips can bring back goods worth up to CI$1,000 without having to pay any duty. This is a significant increase from the usual CI$500 allowance. However, it's important to note that this increase only applies to items bought overseas and brought back through the airport, not to online purchases.🎁

The initiative, supported by the new premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, is aimed at improving the quality of life for Caymanians, according to Minister for Border Control & Labour Dwayne Seymour. He expressed his gratitude to the premier and emphasized that the increased allowance would ease the financial burden for individuals and families planning to travel during the holidays. However, the government has not indicated how much revenue they expect to lose due to this temporary increase in duty free allowance.πŸŽ…

Officials have reminded travellers that items worth more than the duty free allowance must be declared on the Customs & Border Control (CBC) Declaration form and presented to a CBC Officer upon arrival. If a passenger fails to declare dutiable items, makes a false declaration, or is suspected of smuggling contraband, they will be subject to questioning and search by the officer. Furthermore, the duty free allowance does not apply to merchandise purchased for resale in businesses. Such items must be properly declared and the applicable duty paid.πŸ›ƒ