πŸ›οΈ Premier Panton fails to address parliamentary arithmetic issue

πŸ“Š Uncertainty remains as opposition's no confidence motion is set to fail

πŸ›οΈ Premier Panton fails to address parliamentary arithmetic issue

Premier Wayne Panton missed an opportunity to clarify his government's plan to deal with the hung parliament during his response to the opposition's no confidence motion. Despite the motion's likely failure, Panton did not provide details on his proposed solutions to the parliamentary arithmetic problem. The opposition lacks the two-thirds majority needed to bring down the government and is unlikely to secure a tenth vote for a majority vote against the government. πŸ—³οΈ

While Panton spoke about having solutions, he can only secure a majority if Kathy Ebanks-Wilks resigns from the speaker’s position and an external candidate is voted in. However, this potential solution was not mentioned by the premier. Panton urged the opposition to allow the government to complete the budget process before attempting to bring his government down again, but did not explain how he will call the budget meeting. The opposition is unlikely to assist the government with a quorum for that meeting or any other meeting PACT may want to call. The public remains uninformed about the government's plan for the way forward. πŸ€”