πŸ“œ PPM opposition submits 21 questions to UPM government ahead of parliament

Questions cover wide range of topics including proposed runway, new development plan, and minimum wage report

πŸ“œ PPM opposition submits 21 questions to UPM government ahead of parliament

Deputy Opposition Leader Joey Hew and his team from the PPM opposition have prepared a list of 21 questions for the UPM Government, to be addressed in the next parliamentary meeting scheduled for 26 February. The questions cover a wide array of topics including the proposed runway, the new development plan, and the remaining life of the dump. Notably, Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart will be asking about the minimum wage report that the government received in October, and when it will be made public. πŸ“š

McTaggart will also question Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly about the expected additional revenue from the increase in stamp duty on high-end properties, a policy that was announced in the budget but has since been reconsidered. The Premier had previously not disclosed how much revenue could have been generated from such a move. McTaggart will also probe into the full schedule of fees and charges across the public sector that have been or will be increased in 2024 and 2025. Deputy Opposition Leader Joey Hew will be asking five questions, including one about the long-awaited public transportation plan. 🏷️

Other questions from the opposition members include queries about the school meals programme, local athletes participation in the Paralympics in Paris, and potential amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act. The UPM Government is also expected to present several amendment bills relating to the financial sector as well as the long-anticipated consumer protection bill. πŸ“