šŸ“£ PPM demands Premier Wayne Panton's resignation as PACT government crumbles

šŸ›ļø Opposition leader cites instability and inability to secure a quorum as reasons for calling for Panton's departure

šŸ“£ PPM demands Premier Wayne Panton's resignation as PACT government crumbles

Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has called for the resignation of Premier Wayne Panton, following the departure of McKeeva Bush MP from the PACT government. This has left Panton without a viable government, according to McTaggart, who stated that Panton should step down due to his inability to secure a quorum without opposition support. The opposition has threatened to call on the speaker to hold a special meeting for a no-confidence vote if Panton does not resign by 3pm. šŸ¦

Bush's resignation marks the third departure from the PACT government, which McTaggart claims is undergoing a slow but inevitable process of disintegration. The PPM leader has attributed this to constant infighting, which he believes is detrimental to the country. Bush, who is due to go on trial next month on criminal charges, has accused the PACT government of being paralysed and unable to perform even basic functions, including budgeting. šŸš§

Despite the turmoil, Bush has expressed his intention to be part of the next government, stating that he plans to serve as a humble servant of the people, offering his best advice and guidance. The premier is expected to release a statement later today in response to the ongoing developments. šŸ“œ