🌀 Post-Beryl dock and seawall repairs need official approval

Sustainability ministry mandates approval for reconstruction or repairs of coastal structures

🌀 Post-Beryl dock and seawall repairs need official approval

After the passage of Hurricane Beryl, the sustainability ministry has stated that any reconstruction or repairs to existing coastal structures such as docks, seawalls, and decks require official approval. The permitted structures, reconstructions, and repairs must adhere to the same dimensions, location, footprint, and materials as per the original coastal works permit. There are no application or approval fees if the replacement aligns with the original permit conditions. 🌊

Officials have warned that any unauthorized coastal works, including unapproved reconstructions and repairs to existing permitted structures, could attract fines or penalties as per section 21 of the National Conservation Act. Minister Katherine Ebanks-Wilks has pledged to ensure a smooth and efficient application process for repairs or reconstruction of docks or seawalls. The application process may take one to two weeks, depending on the complexity and number of applications. 🏗️

For any land-based repairs or construction works, the public should submit the necessary applications to the Planning Department. The application form for the reconstruction/repair of coastal structures can be downloaded and submitted via email for processing. 📝