šŸ’¼ Panton's $1.6M loan to Turner not linked to political deals

šŸ“œ Loan agreement was a simple financial aid, not a political strategy, says former premier

šŸ’¼ Panton's $1.6M loan to Turner not linked to political deals

Former Cayman Islands Premier Wayne Panton has clarified that his CI$1.64 million loan to Health Minister Sabrina Turner was not connected to political maneuvering following the 2021 elections. The loan was made to assist Turner in purchasing a new home after she was unable to sell her existing one in time. Panton confirmed that the loan agreement was drawn up by lawyers and is available for public scrutiny, adding that he did not need to declare the loan on the Register of Interests as it is not required by law. šŸ¦

Turner listed the loan in her own entry on the Register of Interests but did not disclose that it was Panton who lent her the money. Panton has maintained that the loan was a simple agreement with no ulterior motives and did not influence Turner's political decisions. This was evident when Turner was part of the cabinet that ousted Panton from office six months later. The loan came into the spotlight recently after local vlogger and political activist Mario Rankin accused Panton of buying political favors. šŸ—‚ļø

Despite concerns raised by opposition MPs and former politicians about the ethical implications of the loan, Panton insists it was based purely on Turner's need and had no political strings attached. Turner also does not see the debt as impacting anything other than the money owed. The loan, which was always public but had not drawn any attention, made the headlines last week after the accusations by Rankin. šŸ“°