🚧 NRA commences work on Crewe Road expansion

Road widening initiative aims to ease traffic congestion in George Town

🚧 NRA commences work on Crewe Road expansion

The National Roads Authority (NRA) has begun work on the expansion of Crewe Road to a six-lane highway. This project, which started five years ago, is aimed at increasing traffic capacity on the primary arterials into George Town and at the intersections supporting them. The expansion is being carried out in segments due to the need for utility relocation and the removal and replacement of boundary walls, fences, and other structures. The work is taking place between the Grand Harbour Roundabout and the CUC Roundabout on both the eastbound and westbound lanes. 🚧

This stretch of road links up to the CUC roundabout and is part of a larger project that aims to create a six-lane highway linking the Chrissie Tomlinson Roundabout through the Red Bay Roundabout up to Grand Harbour. The initiative is targeted at alleviating congestion at Grand Cayman’s worst traffic bottleneck. Further information on road projects can be found on the NRA website. πŸ›£οΈ