🏛️ New Cayman Islands government avoids press until 2024

Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly's administration will not hold a press conference before the end of 2023

🏛️ New Cayman Islands government avoids press until 2024

The newly formed government of the Cayman Islands, led by Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, has confirmed that it will not conduct a press conference before the end of 2023. This decision comes as an unprecedented move, as the new administration, established after an internal Cabinet coup that removed Wayne Panton from the premier position, will not interact with local media to discuss their plans or address recent issues. The Premier has only made media appearances on Radio Cayman’s For the Record, where she discussed external influences on previous Cabinets without providing specific details. 📻

Since taking office, O’Connor-Connolly has granted a $1,500 Christmas bonus to the civil service and increased the duty allowance for goods brought in by residents from overseas. These actions have drawn mixed reactions from the public, with critics arguing that they offer little benefit to low-income private sector workers. The Premier's avoidance of the independent press and preference for the government-owned radio station has also raised eyebrows. Despite this, O’Connor-Connolly maintains that her administration's actions and her leadership have been well-received. 👥

Amidst public outrage over local politicians' earnings, revealed in a special report by the Office of the Auditor General, the Premier plans to present a "people-centred" budget. She has reportedly gained agreement from the opposition not to submit any motions or parliamentary questions during the upcoming sitting, allowing MPs to focus on the appropriations bill. This bill, outlining actual spending, is to be passed, assented to, and implemented before the 31st December deadline. 💼