πŸ“ž NAU manages 350 calls weekly with new tech

πŸ“ˆ Advanced AI technology improves efficiency and client satisfaction

πŸ“ž NAU manages 350 calls weekly with new tech

The Needs Assessment Unit (NAU) is effectively handling an average of 350 calls per week, according to Social Development Minister AndrΓ© Ebanks. This efficiency is largely due to the implementation of new technology and data collection methods, which have improved the services offered by the NAU. With a team of only four people, the NAU has achieved a 96.5% first-contact resolution rate, providing welfare support for Caymanians more efficiently while collecting essential information. The NAU introduced Zendesk Advanced AI in February, which has significantly improved operations and client services.πŸ“±

Zendesk's advanced artificial intelligence effectively understands common client concerns, routes tickets efficiently, and provides actionable insights and suggestions. This has led to quicker resolution of problems and the collection of comprehensive data for client interactions and feedback. This data will help refine processes, achieve targets, and ensure the department meets and exceeds expectations. Key performance indicators show that the staff is now responding to at least 90% of urgent inquiries within 24 hours and less urgent inquiries within 48-72 hours. A resolution is reached on first contact 70% of the time or higher, reducing the need for client follow-ups.🎯

Between February and June this year, client services resolved 5,513 issues, meeting the first two targets set, and they continue to work towards achieving the third. The third target is to reduce the average hold time to under three minutes for 80% of calls received and have all calls answered within five minutes. The department is considering staggered lunch breaks for the team and encouraging clients to contact them outside peak hours. The department remains committed to minimising wait times and will continue to evaluate options to ensure timely response, including encouraging more online applications. The target for client satisfaction is 93%.πŸ‘₯