šŸ›ļø Ministers unjustly criticize National Conservation Council for project delays

šŸŒ³ Accusations of environmental issues hindering development and affordable housing construction debunked

šŸ›ļø Ministers unjustly criticize National Conservation Council for project delays

Planning Minister Jay Ebanks and Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan have recently criticized the National Conservation Council (NCC) and the Department of Environment (DoE) for alleged delays in the East-West Arterial Road extension project. Bryan, in particular, blamed the planning process and environmental issues for exacerbating the housing crisis, labeling the DoE as the biggest obstacle to development. However, these allegations lack evidence and have been refuted multiple times. šŸ“»

The DoE and NCC have only intervened in a few cases involving large developments, roads, or condos in marine parks. They have not obstructed the government's affordable housing projects. Bryan also wrongly accused the DoE of delaying the East-West Arterial Road extension, despite the environmental impact assessment for the project not being complete. The DoE Director, Gina Ebanks-Petrie, clarified that the hydrology study for the project is also incomplete and cannot provide the necessary information for road design. šŸ›£ļø

Despite the facts, Minister Ebanks continues to blame the NCC for the project delays. There has been significant opposition to the road project, particularly the phase that will cut through the Central Mangrove Wetlands, from conservation groups and non-profits. However, these groups do not have the power to halt the project. šŸŒæ