šŸ”’ Man sentenced to 18 months for grocery store robbery

šŸŖ Jamaican national Okia Rainel Porter pleads guilty to impulsive crime

šŸ”’ Man sentenced to 18 months for grocery store robbery

23-year-old Okia Rainel Porter has been sentenced to 18 months in prison after pleading guilty to a robbery at a grocery store in West Bay. The Jamaican national, who was unarmed, entered the 4-Way 24-hour convenience store on the evening of 19 November wearing an animal mask. Porter stole less than $480 in cash and was later identified through DNA testing on the mask he left behind at the scene. šŸŽ­

Porter, who has no previous criminal convictions, was described as having acted impulsively and out of character. He has admitted to drug abuse and believes he is addicted to ecstasy. Despite his drug and alcohol problems, Porter was assessed by the probation service as being at low risk of re-offending. He expressed empathy for the victim and takes responsibility for his actions. The court heard that the store cashier was traumatised by the event and quit their job shortly after the robbery. šŸš«

Justice Cheryll Richards, while acknowledging the crime was impulsive and involved no weapon, deemed it serious enough to warrant jail time. Porter will not be granted any further work permits in the Cayman Islands and will be unable to see his family during his incarceration. Considering all factors, including Porter's guilty plea, Justice Richards sentenced him to 18 months in prison, with time served to be taken into consideration. āš–ļø