👨‍⚖️ Lawyer argues lack of intent in murder case

Defence attorney suggests accidental discharge in fatal shooting

👨‍⚖️ Lawyer argues lack of intent in murder case

Justin Kyle Jackson's attorney, Sallie Bennett-Jenkins KC, argued that her client did not intend to kill Harry Elliott when he shot him last summer. The prosecution has accused Jackson of murdering Elliott during an attempted robbery at a gambling shop. However, Bennett-Jenkins suggested that the shooting was an accidental discharge, for which there is no criminal liability. She also proposed that there was a fourth mystery man involved in the crime who pressured Jackson and his accomplice, Eric Brian Williams Soto, to commit the robbery. 🕵️‍♂️

Bennett-Jenkins presented an alternative narrative to the prosecution's case, suggesting that the CCTV footage did not show Jackson intentionally firing the gun. Instead, she argued that he stumbled and the gun accidentally discharged. She also pointed to the testimony of a former police officer and owner of the gambling shop, who suggested that Jackson looked surprised and confused after the shooting. The defence attorney asked the jury to return a not guilty verdict. 🏛️

Charles Miskin KC, who presented a summary of Eric Soto's case, argued that the jury had to decide whether Soto was aware that Jackson had a loaded gun when they entered the store. He suggested that Soto could not see much from his position and had never been in trouble with the law before. Miskin asked the jury to return a not guilty verdict on both the murder charge and the possession of an unlicensed firearm. The jury has several options, including finding both men guilty of murder and possession of an unlawful gun, or both guilty of manslaughter. 🧑‍⚖️