πŸ‘₯ Labour Appeals Tribunal members reappointed

Robert Jones takes chairmanship, with Trisha McElroy and Ryan Charles as deputies

πŸ‘₯ Labour Appeals Tribunal members reappointed

Robert Jones, previously the deputy, has been appointed as the chairman of the Labour Appeals Tribunal (LAT) in the Cayman Islands. Trisha McElroy and Ryan Charles have been named as deputies, while Isidora Eden, Dorthy Davis, Garth Clarke, Betty Baraud, Richard Lewis, and Janet James have been appointed as members. The appointments, announced on 8 March, are effective until 1 December 2024, suggesting that their reappointment has been backdated. The members of the LAT are now paid CI$200 for each meeting they attend, while the chairperson and deputy chairs receive $400 and $300, respectively. πŸ›οΈ

The LAT serves as a crucial avenue for hearing appeals against decisions made by the Labour Tribunal and plays an integral part in ensuring that workers can seek justice when they are facing issues at work or believe they have lost their jobs unfairly. The LAT is available to all non-government workers, both local and on work permits. The Ministry of Labour underscored the government's commitment to promoting harmonious labour relations and ensuring access to justice for all with the reappointment of the LAT members. Labour Minister Dwayne Seymour said the decision reaffirmed the government’s commitment to upholding the rights and interests of workers and employers. βš–οΈ