🔄 Jennifer Ahearn reassigned to new role amidst political controversy

Former Chief Officer now serves as Chief Sustainability Officer under Deputy Governor Franz Manderson

🔄 Jennifer Ahearn reassigned to new role amidst political controversy

Deputy Governor Franz Manderson has confirmed that Jennifer Ahearn, previously the chief officer in the Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency, has been reassigned to a new role in his office. Ahearn's removal from her previous position was reportedly due to political interference, stemming from a perceived conflict of interest between her husband's employment and the London lawyers involved in the ReGen waste-management project. Despite this, Ahearn has been appointed as the chief sustainability officer, a role in which she will facilitate strategic initiatives to integrate sustainability into all aspects of the Cayman Islands Government's (CIG) business operations. 🔄

Ahearn's removal from the Ministry and the ReGen project negotiations appears to be linked to the current dump deal, which is not fully supported by all members of the UPM administration or some of its backers. The deal has been a subject of controversy for years, with allegations that the previous administration signed a poor agreement with Dart. Ahearn had been leading the talks since their inception, first as chief officer in the health ministry and then in the new sustainability ministry. Despite the accusations of a conflict of interest, Attorney General Sam Bulgin advised that no conflict existed. Ahearn had nevertheless recused herself from discussions involving CUC, a company represented by her husband's law firm. 🔄

With Ahearn no longer involved in the negotiations, they are now being overseen by Acting Chief Officer Neyka Webster. This change could further delay the project's start as Webster familiarizes herself with the details. In her new role, Ahearn will oversee the CIG's operational policies and strategies, promoting a culture of sustainability across the civil service. The appointment of the chief sustainability officer is seen as a tangible demonstration of the CIG's commitment to sustainable working methods. 🔄