🎓 HSA staff members complete leadership and management courses

🏥 The Health Service Authority invests in professional development to drive change

🎓 HSA staff members complete leadership and management courses

Several staff members from the Health Service Authority (HSA), including five managers, have completed various leadership and management courses at the Civil Service College. The HSA is investing in these training programs to develop the skills needed for their staff to excel in their roles and stay updated with industry changes and trends. Racquel Sutherland, Director of Support Services, who completed the ILM Level 5 programme, believes that this professional development will drive positive change within the HSA. 📚

Other HSA graduates from the Civil Service College include Legal Counsel Garcia Kelly, who completed the ILM Level 3, and Business Coordinator for Primary Healthcare Michalle Manderson, who completed the ILM Level 2. Kelly, who also holds a managerial role, emphasized the importance of leadership in any successful organization. Monique Malcolm, the director of the Civil Service College and Human Capital Development, congratulated the staff on the completion of their programmes. She highlighted that their success reflects not only their individual commitment to excellence but also the HSA’s support of continuous learning and development. 🎉