👮‍♂️ Former police officer sentenced to four years in prison

🔒 Convicted for obstructing justice in a murder case

👮‍♂️ Former police officer sentenced to four years in prison

46-year-old Courtney Alphanso Levy, a former auxiliary police officer, has been sentenced to four years in prison by Justice Roger Chapple. Levy was convicted in July for attempting to help a murderer evade justice. The severity of the crime led the judge to immediately send Levy to jail, refusing to suspend the sentence. Levy was found guilty of perverting the course of justice and breach of trust after he threatened a witness to remain silent on behalf of the murderer, Roger Davard Bush. 🚔

Bush was convicted of killing his own son, Shaquille Bush, in November 2019. A key witness in the case against Bush was his long-time girlfriend, Nikkieta Ebanks. However, due to Levy's threats, Ebanks was too scared to share what she knew about the murder with the police, causing a significant delay in the case. Levy, who was on duty at the detention centre when Bush and Ebanks were brought in, had delivered the threatening message to Ebanks in her cell. The court heard that Bush had met with Levy outside a liquor store, ensuring that Ebanks recognized him. Despite denying knowing Bush at his own trial, a number linked to the murderer was found on Levy’s phone. Justice Chapple concluded that Levy had been "in league with Roger Bush for a dark purpose". 🏛️