⚖️ Former Chief Justice of Cayman Islands and Channel Islands judge appointed to Cayman Islands Court of Appeal

Governor's office announces the appointment of Sir Anthony Smellie and Clare Montgomery following a competitive recruitment process

⚖️ Former Chief Justice of Cayman Islands and Channel Islands judge appointed to Cayman Islands Court of Appeal

Sir Anthony Smellie, the former Chief Justice of the Cayman Islands, and Clare Montgomery, an appeal court judge in Guernsey and Jersey, have been appointed to the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal, according to an announcement from the governor's office. The appointments were made after a competitive, open recruitment process carried out by the Judicial and Legal Services Commission (JLSC) in the latter part of last year. 🏛️

Both Sir Anthony and Montgomery were among the four short-listed candidates who were interviewed. Governor Jane Owen accepted the JLSC's recommendations and appointed both to the higher court bench. "These individuals bring a wealth of skills, experience and knowledge that will enhance the already exceptional calibre of the Court of Appeal," Governor Owen said. Sir Anthony Smellie served as a judge in the Cayman Islands for nearly 30 years, including almost 25 years as Chief Justice, and has also served as an appeal judge in Bermuda. Montgomery, who has served as a Channel Islands appeal judge since 2007, is Cayman's first and only female appeal court justice. ⚖️

The Cayman Islands Court of Appeal now comprises eight judges, including Sir Anthony Smellie and Clare Montgomery. The other judges are The Rt Hon Sir John Goldring, The Hon Justice John Martin KC, The Hon Sir Richard Field, The Hon C. Dennis Morrison, The Hon Sir Michael Birt, and The Rt Hon Sir Jack Beatson. 🏛️