🔫 Fatal shooting declared intentional by prosecution

Prosecutor argues both suspects are responsible for Harry Elliott's murder

🔫 Fatal shooting declared intentional by prosecution

Justin Kyle Jackson and Eric Brian Williams Soto are on trial for the murder of Harry Elliott. In her closing speech, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Candida James-Malcolm argued that the loaded gun Jackson brought to the crime scene was a clear indicator of the tragedy that was to follow. Both men are charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm and murder. James-Malcolm stated that the killing was not accidental and both men were responsible for Elliott's death. She emphasized that the two men had planned to rob the numbers shop armed with a loaded gun, and during the execution of the crime, they shot Elliott. She stated that although Jackson may have pulled the trigger, Soto was equally culpable. 🚔

James-Malcolm maintained that the men were motivated by greed and were willing to use violence to achieve their goals. She showed the jury CCTV footage of the incident, noting how Jackson pulled out the handgun, racked the weapon, and then stepped into the room. The gun fired before Jackson and Soto made their getaway. Jackson's defense attorney had suggested that this was not a murder because there had never been any intention to kill or harm anyone, and the fatal shot was an accidental discharge. However, James-Malcolm argued that the intention was there as soon as Jackson pulled out and racked the loaded weapon and pointed it into a small, crowded room. She told the jurors that no evidence had been presented to the court that Jackson had accidentally fired the gun or that it had gone off on its own. 🕵️‍♀️

James-Malcolm also stressed that Soto was not there by chance. Despite not touching the gun, he was aware of the weapon and was right there when Jackson pulled it out. Once he agreed to commit the robbery with Jackson, he was equally responsible for Elliott's death. She noted that Soto stayed with Jackson as they ran away and then helped clean up the car and dispose of the clothes he had worn during the crime. She pointed out that he did not tell the truth to the police when he was arrested several months later and denied any knowledge of the killing. James-Malcolm told the jury that both Jackson and Soto's deliberate, dangerous actions were the cause of Elliott's death. The trial continues. ⚖️