🏛️ Ex-NHDT chair acknowledges errors in waste scandal

Former National Housing and Development Trust chair admits to "a lot of mistakes" in court

🏛️ Ex-NHDT chair acknowledges errors in waste scandal

Geoffry William Ebanks, the former chair of the National Housing and Development Trust (NHDT), has admitted to making "a lot of mistakes" in court regarding a corruption scandal. Despite pleading not guilty to misconduct in public office and breach of trust, Ebanks conceded that errors were made in the handling of waste from the North Side NHDT site, which was intended for Beacon Farms but ended up on his own land, transported there at the NHDT's expense. He maintains that he was helping the country by accepting the material.🏛️

Ebanks claimed that he redirected the waste to his property to expedite the clearing of the NHDT site and keep the low-cost housing project on schedule. He alleges that he received approval from the NHDT director at the time, Julio Ramos. However, Ramos has provided evidence to the contrary, and Ebanks never informed the board or declared any conflict over the re-direction of material. Ebanks insisted that he was attempting to advance the project as quickly as possible, under pressure to build up to 100 houses per year. Despite his busy schedule, he regularly visited the North Side site to monitor progress.🚚

Ebanks admitted that he never verified the truck drivers' claims that Beacon Farms was full and could not accept any more waste. Instead, he began redirecting trucks to his and his father's properties, resulting in over a hundred loads being taken to his land. Despite attending numerous board meetings and even an official tour of Beacon Farms, Ebanks did not inform his colleagues about the waste redirection. He defended his actions, stating that he was merely storing the material on his land until it could be moved to the farm or elsewhere, to keep the project moving. However, the waste was spread across his land, potentially increasing its value.🏠