πŸ”‡ Department of Environmental Health issues noise pollution warning

🏑 Residents and visitors urged to minimize noise near schools, healthcare facilities, and residential areas

πŸ”‡ Department of Environmental Health issues noise pollution warning

The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) has issued a public notice following numerous complaints about noise pollution. The DEH advises all residents and visitors to avoid noisy activities near schools, healthcare facilities, and residential premises. This announcement came shortly after a report highlighted the plight of homeowners suffering from noise and light pollution from a nearby construction site.


The story revealed the distress of residents near a construction site on North West Point Road in West Bay, who have been disturbed by early morning construction work. Despite complaints to relevant government departments and the police, the issue remains unresolved. The DEH, however, stated that it has conducted several investigations following complaints about noise from various sources, including large events, vehicle repairs, gym activities, homes, churches, and loud music from vehicles, as well as construction or renovation activities.


The DEH further clarified that non-compliance with an environmental health officer’s request can lead to liability under The Public Health Act (2021 Revision) under the nuisances section. This includes noise or vibration, which is considered a statutory nuisance. The DEH also expressed concerns about the health implications of noise pollution, such as sleep deprivation, which can have serious consequences for certain professionals and individuals with health conditions. The DEH encourages anyone affected by these activities to contact their medical provider immediately.
