πŸ“ Contract inked for George Town park's construction

πŸ—οΈ Robson Construction to build youth centre as part of the first phase

πŸ“ Contract inked for George Town park's construction

The Ministry of Tourism and Ports has signed a contract with Robson Construction for the construction of a youth centre in George Town. This is the initial part of Phase 1 of a new government-owned park located behind the Government Administration Building. The youth centre will be the first structure built at the planned Central Scranton Park. The project, which began under the previous administration, is located in Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan's George Town Central constituency. The total cost of this recreational facility has not been disclosed yet, but it is believed to be in the millions. Construction of the youth centre is set to begin in mid-August and is expected to be completed by January 2025. 🏞️

The second part of Phase 1 will involve landscaping and the installation of water features around the pond. It also includes the construction of entrance structures and gazebos. Phase 2 involves the construction of a seniors’ centre, a bathroom block, and a multi-purpose court for various sports. The ministry has not disclosed the cost of the contract for the youth centre or the expected costs of the two open contracts for the second part of Phase 1 and for Phase 2. The project aims to provide a safe communal area in the heart of George Town to promote sports, recreational activities, and community engagement for residents of all ages. The park will cover more than three acres upon completion. πŸ€

The official groundbreaking ceremony for the park, which is expected to take place on Thursday, 12 September, will be open to the public. The ministry is encouraging residents from communities all across Grand Cayman to attend, as the event will provide an opportunity to view visual renderings of the park and learn more about its development. Tenders for the two open contracts for the Central Scranton Park project are currently published on the CIG Bonfire Central Procurement site. Interested parties have until 29 July to bid on the projects. πŸŽ‰