🌴 Cayman Islands tourism plan update delayed until 2023

📢 Opposition leader criticizes Tourism Minister's decision

🌴 Cayman Islands tourism plan update delayed until 2023

The Cayman Islands Ministry of Tourism has decided to postpone the launch of a new tourism plan until the end of next year, according to Chief Officer Stran Bodden. This decision has drawn criticism from the opposition, with PPM Leader Roy McTaggart calling on Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan to start the overdue task of updating the national plan immediately. Bodden justified the delay by stating that the existing plan is still a dynamic document and the delay would allow the next administration to develop the new plan, following the general election in April 2025. 🗳️

McTaggart, however, argued that the current plan does not account for the impacts of the pandemic and that the delay is unacceptable. He emphasized that the tourism industry cannot be left hanging for another 18 months and criticized the minister and government's inaction over the past three years. McTaggart cited the closure of several businesses, including the Hard Rock Café in George Town, as examples of the severe consequences of this neglect. He urged the minister to begin the process of revising and updating the national tourism plan immediately, stating that this matter transcends political divides and is a shared responsibility towards the future of the tourism industry. 🏖️