πŸ“œ Cayman Islands Speaker calls for legal backing for MP code of conduct

πŸ› Speaker Alden McLaughlin urges adoption of conduct code before parliament term ends

πŸ“œ Cayman Islands Speaker calls for legal backing for MP code of conduct

Cayman Islands House of Parliament Speaker, Alden McLaughlin, has advocated for the introduction of legislation to support a voluntary code of conduct for Members of Parliament (MPs). McLaughlin hopes that the code, which has been under consideration for three years, will be accepted by all MPs before the current parliamentary term ends next year. The Speaker revealed that consensus on the code is nearing, with the primary obstacle of who should adjudicate complaints potentially resolved. The Standards in Public Life Commission (SPLC) has agreed to take on this role, forming an independent body. πŸ›

McLaughlin stressed that the code of conduct should be given the force of law, as a voluntary code may not suffice. He requested Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, the acting premier, and the leader of the opposition to consider this aspect. The Speaker expressed optimism that there is now momentum to finalize the code. He responded to accusations from McKeeva Bush (WBW) that the opposition had stalled the agreement and signing of the code, stating that the opposition had not accepted the government members' signed code as the original proposal lacked an independent body to handle complaints. However, if the SPLC assumes this role, a new draft will be circulated for members to sign, leaving a lasting legacy for this parliament. πŸ“œ