šŸ  Cayman Islands government seeks public input on housing crisis

šŸ“ Public opinion survey launched to inform development of affordable housing policy

šŸ  Cayman Islands government seeks public input on housing crisis

The Cayman Islands government is seeking public input to address the ongoing housing crisis. The Ministry of Planning has launched a survey to gather insights from residents about housing affordability, preferences, and strategies for creating more accessible housing options. The move comes nearly two years after the establishment of a cross-ministerial task force to study the housing situation, which has become unaffordable for most residents due to high prices and competing demands. šŸ˜ļø

Despite the looming 2025 elections, there is still no housing policy in place. However, the planning ministry has taken over the development of a policy, and consultants have been engaged to develop an affordable housing policy and a 10-year strategic plan. The contract, worth CI$276,750, was awarded to Public Works LLC. The survey is seen as a crucial step in developing inclusive and sustainable housing policies. šŸ“Š

The housing challenges in the Cayman Islands are not unique and are common in many tourist destinations. The overdevelopment of the coastline to cater to wealthy overseas homeowners has led to a rise in prices and a shortage of affordable accommodation for local residents and workers. The government is now giving the public the opportunity to offer suggestions on how to address this crisis. The survey will remain open for 30 days, and all responses will remain confidential. šŸ–ļø