🌀 Cayman Islands dodge active hurricane season

🌴 Despite record Atlantic storm activity, islands remain unscathed

🌀 Cayman Islands dodge active hurricane season

The Cayman Islands have once again managed to avoid the brunt of another active hurricane season in the Atlantic. The 2023 season was above-average, with 20 named storms, an unusual occurrence for an El Niño year which typically sees fewer Atlantic storms. However, meteorologists attribute the increased storm activity to unprecedented warm temperatures linked to climate change. 🌡️

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) noted that more named storms formed this season in the Atlantic than in any other El Niño year on record. Despite the high number of storms, the Cayman Islands remained untouched. The season included seven hurricanes, three of which were major, but only one made landfall in the US. 🌊

Weather experts agree that the effects of climate change could have made the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season much worse, but the El Niño phenomenon helped to prevent many storms from escalating into massive hurricanes. Despite the threats, the Cayman Islands managed to escape the season without any significant damage. 🏝️