☀️ Caribbean Utilities Company fights to keep solar reports confidential

Company claims release of reports could compromise competitive bidding process for future power generation

☀️ Caribbean Utilities Company fights to keep solar reports confidential

The Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) is preparing for a court battle to prevent the release of two reports related to future power generation. The company believes that the reports contain "commercially sensitive information" that could give competitors an edge in future bids. The reports were prepared for the Office of the Utilities Regulation (OfReg) and their release was directed by the Ombudsman last month. CUC will be participating in the competitive bidding process for a 23MW solar farm in the coming months and fears the reports could influence the outcome. 📑

Despite criticisms over its rates and protected profits, CUC is trying to convince customers that it is seeking to cut light bills and embrace renewables. The company also claims that withholding the reports is in the best interest of the public. CUC is looking forward to the release of the competitive bid for the utility-scale solar project and anticipates that customers will begin to reap the benefits of this project by the end of the year. The company is also awaiting the implementation of utility scale solar, which it believes can reduce fuel factor costs by as much as 50%. ⚡️

CUC has turned to the courts to keep the two reports, a Cost of Service Study and an Incremental Distributed Solar Study, secret following the decision by the independent Office of the Ombudsman. The company continues to support roof-top solar even as it battles with the industry association CREA, calling for the government to prioritise utility-scale solar over domestic. CUC has blamed both CREA and OfReg for the delay in rolling out more renewable energy in Cayman. 🏛️