šŸ“š Cabinet delays release of crucial housing report

šŸ•°ļø An additional 30 days requested to consider Freedom of Information request

šŸ“š Cabinet delays release of crucial housing report

The Cabinet Office of the current government has requested an additional 30 days before releasing a critical report and other related documents on the housing issue. The report, produced by a cross-ministerial task force for the development of a housing policy, was originally requested by media outlets in March through a Freedom of Information request. This request comes amidst growing concerns over the government's transparency record. šŸ“‚

Cayman is currently grappling with an affordable accommodation crisis, with a significant increase in people sleeping rough, particularly in their cars. Despite the government's claim that housing is a priority, it has yet to reveal any plans to address the escalating issues of homelessness and overcrowding. The government has also not disclosed how it plans to tackle the high rents and property prices, making homeownership and affordable rental accommodation increasingly difficult for most people. šŸ 

While the government-owned National Housing Development Trust has started building small family homes for qualifying Caymanians, the broader issue of insufficient affordable accommodation remains unaddressed. The government has mentioned incentivizing landlords to build affordable housing, but no policy proposals have been announced. Meanwhile, the details of the housing survey conducted by consultants remain undisclosed. šŸ¢