🌍 Activists push for enforcement of anticipated plastic ban in Cayman Islands

Local non-profit Plastic Free Cayman urges government to take action against plastic pollution

🌍 Activists push for enforcement of anticipated plastic ban in Cayman Islands

Local activists from the non-profit Plastic Free Cayman are urging the Cayman Islands Government to enforce the law when it implements the proposed ban on some single-use plastics. The organization has been advocating for this ban since 2017 to combat the growing issue of plastic pollution. They are now questioning how the ban will be monitored and are asking the government to clarify the phasing-out period and the penalties for ignoring the ban. 🏝️

The first attempt to implement this legislation was interrupted by the pandemic. However, the activists welcomed the recent announcement that the customs legislation is being amended to roll out the ban on imports. They are now urging the Cabinet to expedite the process. The activists also raised concerns about the specifics of the ban, such as whether plant-based plastics will still be allowed and why plastic cutlery is not included in the list. 🍴

Plastic Free Cayman believes a multi-pronged approach is needed to address the issue of plastic pollution. In addition to the legislation, they suggest an education campaign and a national clean-up scheme with proper funding. They are willing to assist with these efforts. The NGO commended the government for taking this step and noted that its members have been advocating for change for eight years, removing large amounts of trash from various beaches. 🏖️