🌳 Activists propose eco-friendly alternative for East-West Arterial Road

🛣️ Sustainable Cayman and RSPB suggest cheaper, safer and greener route

🌳 Activists propose eco-friendly alternative for East-West Arterial Road

Local environmental campaigners, Sustainable Cayman, have partnered with the UK’s Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) to propose an alternative route for the controversial East-West Arterial Road in the Cayman Islands. The proposed route is reportedly cheaper, shorter, safer and more environmentally friendly than the current government plan. It avoids cutting through the central mangrove wetlands, reducing associated flood risks and preserving the habitat for migratory and nesting birds. The activists are encouraging the public to read their report and lobby their MPs for this alternative route. 🌍

The report assesses three options - the National Roads Authority (NRA) option, the redevelopment of the existing road, and the proposed alternative route. The latter is said to offer greater community access and benefits, a lesser environmental impact, and more climate resilience, all for around $8 million less than the current proposed route. The proposed redirection of the road further south would also have the least negative impact on the environment, preserving the unique eco-system of the Central Mangrove Wetland. The East-West Arterial Road is currently undergoing an Environmental Impact Assessment, with potential re-alignments being considered. 🛣️

The alternative route proposed by Sustainable Cayman is closer to existing development and poses less of a threat to untouched habitat. It avoids National Trust land and the Mastic Trail, and reduces access to the wider central wetlands. The campaigners argue that the traffic issues currently faced by the Cayman Islands cannot be solved by a new road in isolation and that infrastructure and development need to be looked at holistically. They stress the need for a modern, green, public transport network to properly address traffic congestion. 🌱